Parent Enrollment Process


Non-Public School Placement

A Non-Public School placement is an IEP team decision. To secure a placement at Rising Star, please contact your child's school district administrator.


Connecting with Rising Star

Your School District will contact Rising Star to obtain more information about our school and determine if Rising Star is an appropriate placement for the student and issue you a referral letter.


File Review

The school district will provide Rising Star with the IEP and supporting documents, which Rising Star will review. If Rising Star School is an appropriate Placement, then we will contact the school districtto offer a tour.


School Tour

A school admin will give the student and family a tour of our classrooms and campus. The admin will answer all questions related to support and
services offered at Rising Star.



If the parent and the district agree that Rising Star is an appropriate placement, Rising Star will provide all the intake forms to the district to finalize the student's placement at our school and schedule an IEP recommending enrollment at Rising Star.

Who qualifies for non-public school placement?

Any student with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) placed by their local school district may be enrolled in a nonpublic school only if they have a current IEP recommending enrollment in the nonpublic school.

Parent Enrollment Process


Non-Public School Placement

A Non-Public School placement is an IEP team decision. To secure a placement at Rising Star, please contact your child's school district administrator.


Connecting with Rising Star

Your School District will contact Rising Star to obtain more information about our school and determine if Rising Star is an appropriate placement for the student and issue you a referral letter.


File Review

The school district will provide Rising Star with the IEP and supporting documents, which Rising Star will review. If Rising Star School is an appropriate Placement, then we will contact the school districtto offer a tour.


School Tour

A school admin will give the student and family a tour of our classrooms and campus. The admin will answer all questions related to support and services offered at Rising Star.



If the parent and the district agree that Rising Star is an appropriate placement, Rising Star will provide all the intake forms to the district to finalize the student's placement at our school and schedule an IEP recommending enrollment at Rising Star.

Who qualifies for non-public school placement?

Any student with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) placed by their local school district may be enrolled in a nonpublic school only if they have a current IEP recommending enrollment in the nonpublic school.

District Enrollment Process

Reach out to Rising Star to review student needs


Arrange a site tour at Rising Star


Propose Rising Star as a potential placement option to the family/guardian


Schedule an IEP meeting to discuss changing the placement


Execute master contract for the current academic year


Agree upon a potential start date